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Sunday, July 3, 2011

the time has come!

salam cik belog,

yess.. the TIME has come.
and.. i have to let u go my baby lappy.
and.. ofcos i'm gonna miss u.
and.. i'm gonna feel damn bored afta u go.
and.. surely i can't post any entry to my CIK BELOG.
and.. also i can't BLOGWALKING within this period.
and.. i can't either leave any comment or even STALK2 to his blog again
and.. at last the searching for MR. RIGHT will be pause for awhile

buat ayat macam dah xnak blogging lg tu
padahal still boley pegi CC kalo nak ON9
hahah... tacing lebey2 plak. haishhh2...!

hmmm2... cik jOyah dah wat list downkan potential activities that cik jOyah bOleh buat. antaranye adalah::

  • MENJAHIT - heemmm2... cik jOyah dpt offer tolong2 tukang jahit menjahit baju. nampak je macam neh. tapi jgn memain taw. gown pengantin cik jOyah pandai jahit auu?? hahaha... *melampauuu.
  • MASAK2 - bukan main masak2 taw... haishh. mase dan peluang ade boleh lah nak try practice skill memasak supaya senang di kemudian hari. insyaallah, sejuk perut encik suami cik jOyah nanti. hik3...
  • CABUT RUMPUT - encik2 lalang sedang memberontak dengan ganas nye.. haish2. baru je ari tu cabut. skang dah meninggi  balik. mungkin sebb lately hujan kot.. hemmm2.
  • CABUT RUMPUT UMAH JIRAN - mane taw dapat income ke kannn. duit ouh duit!

 nOtakaki :: 
bye2 cik lappy
bye2 cik belog
bye2 awak, awak dan awak

ouh stress! nak nangesss... T_T


  1. uish..sampai ke rumah jiran mau cabot rumput

  2. well... biasela dik... terlebey RAJIN la katekannn.. hahaha :)

  3. haha..bleh la masak tok hana skali tiap2 hari..penat nak tggu mak masak pas blek keje

  4. hamboi2... akak xpandai masak2 neh. hahah. dan2 ngaku xpandai masak. kui2..

  5. tentu byk terima tempahan jahitan bulan puasa nie...

  6. hmmm2.. boleh tahan la bnyak nye... heehuu
